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anlopa last won the day on August 22 2011

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  1. We live on the NSW QLD border and Victorian plates pass though the boarder without being challenged
  2. anlopa

    IMG 1623c

    Fantastic pictures. Can I ask what type / make of camera you used.
  3. Good to see the grants still coming in congratulations to everyone. I was from the part 1 of this thread and have been in aus for nearly 3 months now, hang in their everyone it is worth the wait. Good luck and keep that waiting room tidy.
  4. you can't be far off now.
  5. Hello All, Thought I would poke my nose in and say hello and tell you all what we have been up to since we got our visa. I got offered a job a week ago and I start the middle of February. We leave the U.K on 8th on the one way flights. We have booked arrival accommodation at a holiday village on the gold coast, so from their we will find a rental and start our new lives down under. sorting everything out is quite stressfull and seems to take over your mind so be perpaired for some more sleepless nights. It all works out in the end.
  6. Well done Bpremji, :biggrin: This thread is a life line for so many Tania started a fab thing here and it has been kept up to date brilliantly. I know you will do an excellent job in keeping the thread running. I am glad that someone has taken it over. I didn’t cos I’ve got my visa and will soon be moving as well. Maybe we could do a cat 4 the sequel or cat 4 where are you now. Just so those that have visas and are moving can discuss and let people know how you’re getting on. We could keep it on the cat 4 thread but there is nothing worse than Yerr lets meet up for a bbq on the beach under the scorching sun, when you are sat in the front window of your house franticly checking the visa application while watching the rain batter the for sale board. Just a thought.
  7. It went well. I hope!!!! :notworthy:A few things I will say is if you go for an interview or have an interview make sure you know your C.V inside out and any of the abbrev's that you use ensure you remember what they mean.:GEEK: In the interview they didn't question my mechanical ability:wacko: it was all about behavioural questions:wub: - examples if when you have experienced a situation. Think STAR - situation, task, action, result. Write down and rehearse situations as that formed the whole of the interview. :chatterbox: Before the interview I checked my emails and another company who I have been in contact with had sent me an email asking if I was still interested in an interview. So fingers crossed I might just have a job to go to:wubclub:. The only thing that could be better is to sell the house. Anyone want a house.:jiggy:
  8. Congratulations Tania, And thank you. You have done a fantastic job and brought a lot of friends together. I hope that I stay friends with everyone that I have met on this thread. I hope that someone comes along soon and takes over as this thread has been a life line for a lot of us. Good luck Tania and thank you :wubclub:
  9. The wait is horrid, I waited 9 weeks from meds being finalised so co's put a review date on the file if you don't have an agent, call diac and say everything has been uploaded might just nudge your co in the right direction.
  10. I had to submit payslips, p60's, contract, letter of employment, submit anything you have with your name on that is on company headed paper. If you have a H.R department ask if you can photocopy your file. If you need a reason just say you are re-mortgaging and the mortgage company has asked for these details.
  11. Tania, why have I called your other half mark. Just been speaking to someone called Mark.:wideeyed: Every bloke from now in is going to be called Mark.
  12. Tania, Take the offer,if you listen to the news we are set to go in to a second recession so things arn't gonna get any better than they are now. it's not what you want I know but if it gets you their what does it matter. If you look on Seek Mark aint gonna find it hard to get a job. Just follow your heart. I sat up waiting for me 2nd interview last night and guess what it never happened I was very angry. So I went on email to ask Y. Lack of punctuality infuriates me. So I found the email that I was sent hit the reply button and as the text from the original email popped on the screen. “we are pleased to offer you an interview this will take place on the 20th of December, please contact us with the times that you would be available”................................................................................................................................... Silly Billy. I said to myself. Opps Lucky I didn’t hit the send button. I’m now beginning to think that the waiting room has affected me. I never used to be like this I’m a stickler for detail. Oh well means I got a bit more time for the medication to kick in.
  13. Lol just to make you feel a bit better unless your taking a full container then we have been quoted £150 for the first bike and £75 for each after that. So we are only taking 2 now ans not 4.
  14. I want to book flights, and shipping, and sell my car, and my house, and say good bye. Bored now:ssign2:What is all this waitin about it's pants. I got my visa and I wanna go. But we have some new smilies. Lol on a random note we was only getting the kids small things for christmas this year, things that would fit in a suitcase, so why has a box turned up that is half the size of a snooker table. :goofy: Still bored, even the washing up is done. larr larr larr.
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